“She cups me for shoulder tension and chest congestion and it works really well. I always look forward to my appointments with Denise and I can’t thank her enough for helping me as much as she already has ❤” - Angie G., Pacifica, CA
"I started seeing Denise a couple of months ago for stress. When I had my first appointment with Denise I told her about the stress I was under and how it was affecting the way my body was functioning and my life. The consultation I had led to me telling her other things about myself that I wanted to change or were just a concern for me.
Denise is very easy to talk to. After my treatments, I feel relaxed, happier and more emotionally grounded."
- Angie G., Pacifica, CA
“I couldn’t believe how effective acupuncture was! Within minutes I could feel my sinuses clearing and breathing became easier.” - M.S. San Francisco
"Last year I developed irritating seasonal allergies. I tried all sorts of remedies to treat my symptoms including supplements, using a neti pot, filtering the air in my home, and over the counter medicines like nasal sprays and Claritin.
I had heard acupuncture was helpful for allergies so I called Denise and she got me in right away. After a few days my symptoms pretty much disappeared! Getting acupuncture has greatly improved my quality of life. I continue to go regularly to maintain my immune system and to treat other ailments, ranging from fatigue to painful period cramps. It has helped me physically AND mentally. I always feel much calmer after I see Denise.” - M.S., San Francisco
“My daughter has asthma and before two years of age, had been on daily doses of steroids plus inhalants throughout the fall and winter months, with frequent bouts during the rest of the year. Before the beginning of this flu season, my daughter began seeing Denise for acupressure treatments and has reduced her use of prescription medication by 90%. Along with clearer breathing, additional benefits include more restful sleep, reduction of eczema (frequent for asthma sufferers); and the normal childhood cold or flu remains just that, not an emergency room visit. My daughter often tells people about “Denise, the Acupuncture Girl”, and I think that just confirms what we already knew, Denise is a super hero.” – Leslie Y., Alameda, CA
“The results were far beyond simply assisting with my hand pain . . . People who had no idea that I had had an acupuncture session asked me what happened, as they hadn’t seen me walk that well and that naturally in years.”
- Mrs. Barbara Krauthamer, Boston, MA
“When I requested an acupuncture session, it was to assist with severe osteoarthritis pain in my hands, which had become sufficiently awful that it was interfering with my ability to do artwork, which is devastating to me. Frankly, it was out of desperation – I knew nothing about acupuncture but had reached the “try anything” stage.
She asked a number of questions, listened carefully to my responses, and got a clearer understanding of my rather complex medical issues, including severe chronic pain, mobility issues, swelling and vein disease in my leg following multiple infections, tendon damage throughout my body, and related issues.
The results were far beyond simply assisting with my hand pain. The overall pain level dropped in my entire body, my gait relaxed, the swelling in my leg was significantly reduced, and the anxiety associated with poorly-managed chronic pain relaxed.
People who had no idea that I had had an acupuncture session asked me what happened, as they hadn’t seen me walk that well and that naturally in years.
My husband, who is normally quite the skeptic, began encouraging me to have more sessions with Ms. Cicuto because the overall change was so dramatic.
I cannot speak highly enough of her talents – her work has had a far larger positive impact on my life than I ever thought possible.”
- Mrs. Barbara Krauthamer, Boston, MA
“Denise has given me acupuncture treatments several times, all with great results.
Recently she did acupuncture for my lower back. I've been having trouble with that area when I clean the house. I would vacuum the main floor of my home and when finished, my lower back is practically "screaming" for me to stop. I would be practically in tears and the ache would last for days. It would continue to where I'd have to resort to taking Aleve or something to make it feel better.
With this recent treatment, I was not only able to vacuum the main part of my home, which consists of 6 rooms, but also I was able to do the staircase going to the upper level, 12 steps, the staircase going down to the basement, 8 steps, and the basement floor. I was amazed myself that I could do this without the severe pain I was experiencing. It's a little tight, but that's fine. It will work itself out the more I do. But not having that pain is just wonderful. After all, I am 73 years old!
Should you ever need an acupuncture treatment, I highly recommend Denise. She's not only good at what she does, she's also very compassionate.” - Lori J.
“Denise amply demonstrated that she was not only committed to treating me using her skills and training, but also to seeing that I received treatment outside of her area of medicine when that was what I needed. She took the initiative to make sure I got appropriate care.”
“When I came down with throat pain and inflammation so quickly on a Sunday afternoon that I went from my first “Ouch” to “Where did my voice go?” in the space of a couple of hours, I was glad that I had an appointment with Denise the following day. She treated me with needles and a tincture, and gave me an herbal pill with a schedule. I left her office able to speak again, and feeling less swollen and more optimistic.
When I got up the following day, I realized I needed to go back to see Denise again, because not only was I still having trouble swallowing, but now I appeared to be having an allergic reaction which was expressing itself (literally) as a skin condition. Denise treated me again, this time for both the throat and skin troubles, and gave me a different formula to try. Again, I left the office feeling better than when I had walked in.
When I woke up the third day, I sent Denise an email with an updated description of my condition, which had worsened once more. Very shortly thereafter, I got a phone call. It was Denise, who sensibly realized not only that I needed to have my throat checked out by someone who could prescribe me with antibiotics, if necessary, but also that my overall condition meant that I was stupefied enough by this point that I might come to the same conclusion, but maybe not in time to be seen the same day. She had researched urgent care clinics in my immediate area, and offered to come and pick me up and take me to the nearest one. I foggily agreed that this was a good idea.
But not only did she get me there; Denise waited with me until I could be seen, and she stayed to help advocate for me in my fogged-up state. She let me talk to the medical personnel at the clinic, but she helped remind me when I forgot details I should be sharing with them. I was diagnosed with a streptococcus infection, and treated with antibiotics and a steroid for the infection and the inflammation and allergic reaction. Denise made sure I got home, and once again, asked me to update her on my condition the following morning. The next day, I was already responding to the treatment I’d gotten at the clinic, and I was happy to report to Denise that I was well on my way to recovering.
Denise amply demonstrated that she was not only committed to treating me using her skills and training, but also to seeing that I received treatment outside of her area of medicine when that was what I needed. She took the initiative to make sure I got appropriate care, when due to my illness I was only vaguely aware of what that was going to entail. Her actions and attitude toward my care made this the perfect example of a case where the question is not whether acupuncture OR allopathic treatment is right for the patient. This patient, this instance, I myself – benefited from both, and I especially benefited from Denise’s outlook on practicing medicine.” – Allegra Lundy, Alameda, CA