Ear acupuncture for groups
Ear acupuncture for groups is back! I do ear acupuncture for yoga groups and more! Invite me to your office for a community care session for you and your coworkers and/or employees.
Benefits of ear acupuncture:
Acupuncture enhances the calming effects of restorative yoga. (This can be done in poses when people are not moving very much.)
Calms the nervous system, rebalances the organ systems, and help ease pain.
Ears are easily accessible and ear acupuncture does not require changing or removing clothing.
Can be done almost anywhere!
Seasonal essential oil blends can be applied to wrists to enhance the calming effects.
Why ear acupuncture in a group setting? Healing happens for people both individually and in community. If you have experienced acupuncture in a private setting, there is an energetic healing field between the practitioner and the patient. In a group setting, this energetic field is expanded to include all the people in the room. It is a healing experience for everyone involved.
I have a lot of experience doing ear acupuncture for groups
When I started my acupuncture practice in 2007, I led a satellite project at the St. James Infirmary doing ear acupuncture in a community setting for almost two years. I have been doing ear acupuncture for yoga groups since 2018.
Ear acupuncture for ten people takes about an hour and a half.
I take care of acupuncture needles and supplies, and biohazard disposal.
Participants sign an informed consent form before receiving acupuncture from me for the first time.
Pricing is available upon request.