COVID-19 Policies and procedures
To protect my community and family members who are immunocompromised, I am only treating people who are up to date on their COVID-19 vaccines.
Your safety and mine are SO important to me. These are the precautions I am taking:
Photo of Denise against a blue wall. She is wearing a black scrub top with a progress pride flag and “Denise Cicuto, L.Ac. she/her” over the left chest area. She has on a colorful face mask with birds and flowers over a KN95 mask, glasses, and white and red wavy hair. Her hands are in her pockets. She is smiling under the masks.
I see one patient at a time with a half-hour to clean and disinfect the treatment room in between.
I will email you a COVID-19 screening form to fill out once and then acknowledge it before each appointment.
Photo of Denise talking to a patient in the office area. The patient’s back is to the camera. She has long blonde hair, fair skin, and is leaning to the left, touching her right shoulder. Denise is behind a wooden desk. There is an herb cabinet in the background with bottles of herbs.
Since we'll both be wearing masks, I'll ask you to email or text me a photo of your tongue before coming in. Yes, you must wear a mask even if you are vaccinated.
I'll have you fill out a COVID-19 screening questionnaire before your appointment.
We'll talk about your health history since your last appointment.
You'll lie down on the massage table. (There is a bare minimum of comfy things on the table - a pillow and a bolster to support your head and legs. The heat lamp and individual mylar blankets are available. I can play music or meditations too!)
😌 You'll rest with the acupuncture needles for half an hour. There may be cupping, gua sha, or moxa after the needles.
🗓 We'll schedule your next appointment and then I'll take contactless payment (no signature required).
👋🏼 I'll walk you out and then I'll spend the next half hour cleaning and disinfecting the room and common areas with a mixture of hypochlorous acid and sodium hydroxide.
❤️ I put all of my hugging energy into cleaning the room for you and look forward to seeing you at your next acupuncture appointment.
How you can do your part to help keep me, my patients, and my coworkers safe: If you have been traveling recently, I request that you get a COVID-19 test and a negative result before scheduling your next appointment. If you have done anything that has put you at any additional risk of being exposed to COVID-19, please let me know. I will happily discuss with you whether it is safe to come in, or whether it makes more sense to reschedule your appointment to a later date or do a telemedicine appointment.
Image of Denise leaning over a massage table talking to a patient. The patient is lying face up, has a sheet covering her from belly to knees, is wearing a black tank top and a blue surgical mask. There is a skylight behind Denise. The treatment room has a table in the back left corner with a biohazard container, lamp, clock, and a set of cups. On the left wall is a white shelf with acupuncture supplies.