San Fu Moxa: A summer treatment to stay healthy in winter

This year, I'm offering San Fu Moxa again. If you want to stay healthy in the winter, get this treatment this summer!

What is San Fu?

It's a type of moxibustion that doesn't require fire. Instead, we use a warming herbal paste that is applied to acupoints on three days in the summer. These days are calculated according to a Taoist calendar. They are the days with the most Yang Qi - which are supposed to be the hottest days of the year.

Why San Fu?

You want to stay healthy in the winter or you need help getting over Long COVID.

Who is it for?

If you have any of the following:

  • Long COVID (not just in winter!)

  • Chronic Asthma

  • Chronic Bronchitis

  • A tendency to get colds or flu in the winter

Ask me if you have any other conditions to see if you may benefit from san fu.

Who is it not for?

  • Children under 6

  • People who are pregnant.

  • People with diabetes.

  • If you have an acute flu or cold, we won't do San Fu on that day but you can come back for the other days.

How much is it?

The price is $30per session ($80 total if you buy in advance). It will take about 15 minutes to apply the san fu and you'll keep it on for about 2-6 hours then wash it off. (I will give you complete instructions before you leave!)

When and where?

The San Fu application dates for 2023 in each office will be:
Alameda: July 20, July 31, August 14*
San Francisco:
July 23, July 30, August 15* 

If you have an acupuncture appointment already scheduled on those days, we'll add that time into your treatment.
It's best to do all three days. but if you can only show up for one or two of those days, you will still benefit from the treatment.

*Please note that the August dates are a little later than the last fu day because I’ll be away on vacation

How do you sign up?

Please contact me if you're interested in signing up - you can't sign up for these appointments online.

What else do you need to know?

San fu will leave a red dot on the skin for a few hours after you remove the paste. You may develop blisters. That's totally normal and part of the treatment. (I will give you recommendations to treat the blisters to reduce scarring.)

Please watch this 15-minute video by Dr. Heidi Lovie explaining San Fu Moxa for more info!

Denise Cicuto