Spring events from Cicuto Acupuncture

There's a lot going on this Spring!

  • Sunday May 6th is Karma Clinic at Energy Matters in Oakland. I'll be teaching a class at 1:30pm with Kirsten from Angelica & Peony on The 5 elements and Essential oils. This will be an interactive class about the five elements and how they are expressed in and balanced with essential oils. We'll also include guidelines for safe use of essential oils. $10 and up suggested donation.
  • Saturday May 19th from 2-5pm is and Open House and Anniversary Party at the Alameda office I share with Claudia Mar Ruiz from Viva la Vida. We are celebrating one year in our beautiful wellness office on Ballena Boulevard in Alameda.
    There will be refreshments, entertainment and valuable prizes! Also there will be a pop-up sale of Sacred Roses by Claudia, and 5 element Healing anointing oils from Angelica & Peony + Cicuto Acupuncture. 
  • πŸŒΏπŸƒπŸŒ³πŸŽ‹ Spring Sale on 5 element anointing oils created by Angelica & Peony + Cicuto Acupuncture: 20% off Nourish Wood and Move Wood oils (our Spring blends!). 15% off all other 5 element anointing oils. 
Denise Cicuto